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The Real Ghost Stories

The Island Ghosts 

So I had totally forgot about this happening to me, because I always chalked it up to an over active imagination of a child on the Island, but one of my father's co-workers thought he "saw a Indian" while he was on Vacation up there last weekend. First let me explain what the Island is, for people from Michigan it is a summer time tradition to go "up north" Mackinaw city and Mackinac (Mackinaw) Island or as some people call it the Island

It is the only place that I know of in the U.S.A where it is illegal to drive motor vehicle unless you are emergency personnel. Ok on to my event, I was probably about 13 at the time of this event and me and my father had went up north to have one final father- son vacation as we were walking around the Island we decided to go up to fort Holmes which is just a hole in the ground with a set of wood doors and is the highest point on the Island

As we were walking up there we decided to take the more rugged trail, as we walked up the trail I looked over in to the woods and saw a bunch of Native Americans making their way slowly up the hill towards the fort, I never said anything to anybody about it until years later after I had read about some of the stories of Braves that had been seen on the Island. For those of you who are familiar with Mackinaw Island we were coming from British Landing. Has anyone else seen these spirits from another time?
